St. 约翰学院院长米尔塔·艾丽西娅·佩拉尔塔, center, 是她学校新护理项目背后的推动力吗. 与她合影的是该项目的前四名教员, Belizean nurses who are all at work on masters degrees at BC’s Connell School of Nursing. From left are Ingrid Asusenia Gomez, Marcia Aldana-Lennen, Areli Rodriguez, and Brithney奥尔特加.

照片:Michael Palacio


多么小的St. 约翰的大学 and BC’s Connell School joined forces to launch a desperately needed new nursing school in Belize.

这是伯利兹一所新成立的护理学校的故事, a tiny English-speaking nation in Central America that is home to four hundred thousand people. 但实际上,这个故事读起来更像是面包和鱼的寓言, 主角是一位精力充沛、干劲十足的伯利兹妇女, 米尔塔·艾丽西娅"爱丽丝"·佩拉尔塔, 谁从来没有很多资源在手, 尽管她是一所小型耶稣会学院的校长.  

St. 约翰的大学 sits in a country where the per capita income is about a fifth what it is in the US, 它只有103名大学生(还有700名高中生和1名高中生),305名专科生). 近年来,它得到了电子游戏软件的经济援助和学术指导, 但它的捐赠很少. 但当佩拉尔塔开始思考时,这对她来说并不是障碍, 几年前, 在圣. 约翰的. 这只不过是另一个需要克服的障碍.

佩拉尔塔渴望开始铸造护士,因为伯利兹缺乏护士. 估计有1个,全国有200名护士, and the need for more is particularly acute in the poorest and southernmost of Belize’s six districts, 托莱多. Most of the residents there are Mayan and they tend to live on dirt roads far from medical help. 糖尿病和高血压十分猖獗.

Peralta started working toward addressing this need in 2017 when she had her college conduct a survey of high school students to ask whether they’d enroll at a St. 约翰的护理学校. 结果令人鼓舞,这并不令人感到意外. 当时, 这个国家只有一所护理学校, 在伯利兹大学任教, 坐落在沉睡的首都, 贝尔莫潘. St. 约翰餐厅坐落在一个多小时车程的伯利兹城,这是该国唯一的大都市. 

但是佩拉尔塔要怎么开一所护理学校呢? She had no connections to major donors—philanthropy is minimal in her country—and she knew very little about nursing. 她做了, 然而, 有两件事对她有利:让不可能的事情发生的悠久历史, 和BC有联系, 哪个国家有自己的国际知名护理项目. 


Connell School Professors 科琳Simonelli (left) 还有唐娜·库里南 (center) have led BC’s partnership with St. 约翰的大学 as the small Jesuit school has launched its new nursing program in Belize. 教授们去年去了那所大学, 与BC大学护理专业的学生(左起)Vidisha Pandey '23, 阿芙·戈金23岁, 辛尼德·邓恩23岁, 梅根·博尔奇克23岁(不在图中). 摄影:Lee Pellegrini

2003年,佩拉尔塔来到这里 申请圣. 约翰的大学. 她很快就成为了学院商业部门的负责人. After that, she was named a dean and then, finally, in 2015, the first-ever female president of St. John 's是由耶稣会士于1887年创立的. 作为总统, she launched departments of music and civil engineering and also helped develop a software program that brought St. 约翰的纸质文档系统进入了数字时代. 她说,一直以来,她都是被自己根深蒂固的天主教信仰所驱使. “I’m not the kind of person who goes to church five times a week to pray the rosary,” she explained. “我的精力太充沛了. 我喜欢为人们服务.” 

2020年,佩拉尔塔获得了圣. 约翰进入耶稣会学院和大学协会, 这个网络的其他27所学校都位于美国. 同年, 在协会主席的聚会上, 她发现自己与英国广播公司总裁威廉. Leahy, SJ,她说她钦佩他“活出了耶稣会的使命”. 他为需要的人创造机会.”

但即使佩拉尔塔是追星族,她也很精明. 她来了, sitting next to the president of the university that’s home to the vaunted Connell School of Nursing. 这是她的时刻,她用明亮的语调告诉Fr. Leahy谈到了她在St. 约翰的. “只要你准备好了。. 莱希对佩拉尔塔说:“我随时准备帮助你.” 

到那时, 佩拉尔塔已经与康奈尔学院的两位教授进行了类似的讨论, 科琳Simonelli, 她一年前认识的那个人, 还有唐娜·库里南. She knew that the professors had led nursing students on work trips to Haiti, Jamaica, and Chile. 现在,对于Fr. 莱希的支持承诺, 她sensed-correctly, it turned out—that they would be enthusiastic partners in her quest to launch a nursing program.

“这是关于活出耶稣会的使命,为他人做男人和女人,与他人一起,西蒙内利说. “这是关于参与我们看到的不平等或不公正.” 

“我们想让自己失业,”库里南补充道. “我们希望教育我们所服务的国家的人民照顾好自己.” 

Peralta had long conversations with Simonelli and Cullinan about what a nursing college needs. Then, emboldened by her new liaisons at BC and working with Solangel Alvarado, dean of the St. 约翰学院初级学院, 和莉迪亚·麦考伊, 学校教务处的副院长, 她挖了个洞。. 约翰的 minimal coffers and added a nursing lab—a mini hospital room with six beds—to a $5.耗资200万美元的STEM大楼已经在学院校园内建设.

2022年初,不列颠哥伦比亚省为西蒙内利和库利南支付了前往伯利兹5天的费用. 与佩拉尔塔, 他们参观了一家一流的私立医院, 伯利兹保健伙伴, 在伯利兹市, 并说服管理人员雇用最终将从St. 约翰的新计划. 医院在扩建, 在多年依赖尼加拉瓜和危地马拉的护士之后, 通常不精通英语的人, 人们渴望培养本土专业人士. “没关系,”佩拉尔塔补充说,“我私下认识这家医院的首席执行官.”

2023年1月,西蒙内利和库利南回到伯利兹, 他们还带来了四名BC省护理专业的学生, 梅根Borchick, Vidisha Pandey, Aoife郭金, 和西尼德·邓恩(她们都是去年毕业的). 邓恩, 现在是马萨诸塞州总医院的肿瘤科护士, 才明白为什么伯利兹面临医疗保健短缺. “Nursing students were getting their degrees and then leaving the country for better-paying jobs overseas,”她说。. 邓恩继续说,佩拉尔塔决心立即解决这个问题. 


控制佩拉尔塔的任务落到了西蒙内利和库里南身上, to bring a dash of pragmatism to the project—everything from a more realistic time frame for opening the school to the sort of supplies that St. 约翰的新护理实验室需要. 卑诗大学护理专业的学生在旅途中花了很长时间列出这些物资的清单, 其中包括听诊器, 橡胶手套, 还有医用口罩. 佩拉尔塔和BC大学的教授, 与此同时, 考虑了一个更重要的问题:在一个严重缺乏高级护士的国家, 谁是圣?. 约翰将在那里的护理学校教书? They hit upon a plan: They’d select four talented nurses within Belize and arrange for them to pursue master’s degrees in nursing at BC remotely, 通过放大. 这些学生, BC同意免费招收他们, 将成为圣. 约翰的项目和重要的文化转变的关键人物. “Here in Belize,” Peralta explained, “our nurses function more like family doctors in the US. 他们必须做所有的事情, so it’s important our students learn from nurses who’ve worked in Belize and know all the conditions the health care system faces here.”

康奈尔护理学院院长凯瑟琳. Gregory said it is part of the school’s mission to help grow the capacity for nursing education around the world. “我们很高兴我们与圣. 约翰的 will lead to increasing access to nursing education in Belize and Central America,格雷戈里说. “I am grateful to 电子游戏软件 and especially to our Connell School Faculty and Staff for making this education possible.”

The four Belizean students who will become the new program’s first faculty members—Marcia Aldana-Lennen, Brithney奥尔特加, Ingrid Asusenia Gomez, 阿雷利·罗德里格斯于2022年8月开始上课, 预计5月份毕业.  罗德里格斯目前是伯利兹医疗合作伙伴的护士主管. 最近轮班, she talked about how her classes at BC have led her to a broader understanding of medical afflictions. “你不能只治疗症状,”她总结道. “也许有心理原因 为什么 他们有这些症状. 我希望我在圣. 约翰开始考虑文化因素. 我希望他们尽早获得与病人打交道的实际经验, 这样他们就可以在学习的过程中应用理论.”


From left are Belizean Ministry of Health official Lizett Bell; BC student 梅根Borchick ’23; St. 约翰学院初级学院 Dean Solangel Alvarado; BC Professor Donna Cullinan; St. 约翰学院院长米尔塔·艾丽西娅·佩拉尔塔; Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital CEO Chandra Nisbet Cansino ’91; BC student Aoife郭金 ’23; BC student Sinead 邓恩 ’23; BC student Vidisha Pandey ’23; and BC Professor 科琳Simonelli. 图片:钱德拉·坎西诺提供

St. 约翰的护理学校 于2023年10月开业,首届班有63名学生. 它的四名护理教员仍在攻读BC大学的硕士学位, but they weren’t quite needed yet—the Belizean students were starting out by taking prerequisites: biology, 化学, 和心理学. 

Simonelli and Cullinan said they urged Peralta to take a more cautious tack and open the school with just twenty students in 2024, 在护理学院就位之后, 但佩拉尔塔从不倾向于迈出小步. 新的STEM大楼一开放,课程就开始了. 

现在圣. 约翰一家来自贫困的托莱多地区, 其中一个, Dorla粗铁, 是一个来自一个小村庄的十八岁玛雅女人吗, 科拉松溪, 没有电, 自来水, 或互联网. 科拉松溪有个训练有素的医务人员, 人口300, 但如果住院医生需要缝针, 他或她需要在崎岖不平的道路上行驶两个小时才能到达区政府, 蓬Gorda. Pregnant women often deliver children in the backs of chartered cars as they make their way to the city.

Kal said that, in traveling to Belize City to study nursing, she is bucking Mayan gender norms. “大多数女孩在小学毕业后就停止了学业,”她说. “There aren’t enough finances, and people just say, ‘Girls should stay home and do household chores.“我父母可不这么想, 虽然, 在我很小的时候, 我一直对科学很感兴趣. 当我高中毕业时,我决定追随我的梦想,成为一名护士.她获得了圣. 约翰的,还有另外两个托莱多区的学生. 作为交换, 当这三人毕业时, 他们将被要求在他们的地区工作五年.

佩拉尔塔希望,随着时间的推移,圣. 约翰医院将培训更多的护士为托莱多服务, 五年内, 该学院每年将招收200名护理专业的学生, 有两年制和四年制学位课程. “We are going to have them serve communities that have never had good health care before,”她说。. “我们正在满足真正的需求. 伯利兹急需护士, 很快我们的医院里就会有更多这样的人, 公共和私人. 这个护理项目将对伯利兹产生深远的影响.” 
